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Unleashing the Best Dog Training Techniques for Obedient Pets

Unleashing the Best Dog Training Techniques for Obedient Pets

Jul 26, 2024

Do you want to make your pet obedient? Do you want to give your dog the training it needs? If yes, then you are at the right place. Here, we will discuss some popular dog training techniques and give you some useful tips to train your dog how you want.

Training your dog can be difficult, but it's so much easier with the right technique. You just need to find the right method to train your dog and you’re done. So let’s see how to train your dog.

Popular Dog Training Techniques

Training your dog is a necessity. You can’t just bring a dog home, feed it, and play with it. Your dog must be trained to follow certain commands like stay and sit. I’m sure you don’t want your dog’s poop all around your house. To avoid such a situation, you need to train your little puppy to do its business at a dedicated spot and not anywhere in your house.

It can be a little difficult to train your dog sometimes. We have some popular dog training methods that will help you train your dog in the way you want.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is considered one of the best dog training methods. In this method, you reward your dog every time it does something good (something you want it to do). You have to reward your pet immediately so it can associate the reward with the behavior.

Once your dog develops an association between a certain behavior and getting rewarded, it will be encouraged to follow that behavior. This will help you create a healthy relationship with your pup along with fun training.

Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement does not mean that you need to hit your dog or yell at it. Your puppy is a precious creature, we would never appreciate any such thing. Here, negative reinforcement simply means to take a negative action to encourage or discourage a particular behavior.

For example, if you want your dog to sit, you just push it behind down to make it sit. This is negative because dogs generally don’t like this action. The point is to do something that your dog does not like or take away something precious from them, like their favorite toy, when they do any undesired behavior.

Note: Don’t be too harsh on your doggo.

Traditional Training 

Traditionally it was believed that dogs were meant to obey their owners and were considered below humans in hierarchy. This training method requires the owners to be the ALPHA and assert their dominance over their dogs. This is to suppress any undesired behavior by making the dog feel inferior.

Under this technique, the dog is allowed to do what they want and to make mistakes. However, the owner gives it punishment to reduce any unwanted behavior to keep the pet’s activities under control.

Classical Conditioning

This is a common technique to train your dog and you might use this daily but never pay attention to it. When you rattle your dog’s bowl or shake the dog food box, your dog starts to salivate because it knows that food is coming. The reason behind this is that it has associated the two activities (sound of its bowl/box and food) together. This is a common example of a classical conditioning dog training method.

Another use of this method is that you can train your dog to wear the leash. In the beginning, it will not like the leash but you can positively reinforce it to wear it. Then you can take your pup for walks and other fun activities. Soon, it will associate leash and walks together, without any positive reinforcement.

Operant Conditioning

This is the reward and punishment style of training. If you reward your dog for doing something good and punishing it for doing something bad, then this type of training is called operant conditioning. You can say that this method is a combination of positive and negative reinforcement.

This dog training method will help you to teach your dog so many things. You can teach all the positive behaviors and eliminate every negative one. This is a very useful training technique for the new pet owners.

Science-based Training

This training method requires a deep understanding of your dog and its behavioral patterns to give it personalized training. In this technique, an animal behaviorist will assess your dog’s learning pattern through some examinations and will provide you with guidance to train your dog.

Relationship-based Training

This training technique solely relies on you and your relationship with your dog. It is the most personalized dog training method and you can fulfill your specific training needs with this. There has to be a mutual understanding between you and your furry friend.

To follow this method, you need to understand your dog properly and establish a strong connection with it. You need to learn your dog’s basic needs and what its learning pattern is.

Electronic Training

The electronic training method requires the use of an electric collar. This collar gives a little shock to the dog when it does something it is not supposed to do. This is a little harsh way of training your beloved puppy.

The shock from the collar can help you to train your dog in the way you want. This method is used for hard-core training like hunting or fieldwork. This technique is preferred when you can not take advantage of a leash.

Note: Overuse of electric collars can lead to psychological harm to your dog.

Clicker Training

In this method, you need a clicker (a hand device that makes some sound). It is done by creating a sound and making your dog do a specific task simultaneously. This way your dog will associate both these activities and perform the desired task.

For example, you can use a clicker or a whistle every time you want your dog to sit. So when you make the familiar sound, your dog will sit, without even you commanding it to do the same.

Mirror Training

Every creature learns many things by looking at others. You have also learned a lot from other kids of your age just by observing them. So, just like you, your dog also learns new things by observing other dogs. For this, you need to be social and meet other pet parents so your dog can learn new things.

Tip: Make sure your dog doesn’t learn bad habits.

Some Useful Tips to Train your Dog efficiently

Training your dog can be a tedious task, but I believe you can do that because you love your dog. You have a lovely relationship with your puppy and that’s all it takes to train it. Still, we have a few tips for you to train your dog.

  • Observe your dog and understand how it learns
  • Make training fun
  • Have short but frequent sessions
  • Stay consistent
  • Consider a professional trainer or training classes
  • Reward appropriately (not too much not too less)
  • Withhold rewards if necessary

Basic Dog Training

There is a lot that you can teach to your dog. However, some of the basic dog training involves the following

  • Sit
  • Fetch
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Shaking hands
  • Littre training

How to Choose the Best Training Method for Your Dog?

If you want to train your dog, you can try various methods and choose the one that best suits your dog. Selecting a training method for your dog may also depend on its nature. For example, if your dog is anxious, then it may not be good to use negative reinforcement or electronic learning; you should prefer positive reinforcement in such cases.

So, the key is to understand the behavior and learning pattern of your pup and make strong connections with it. Be a friend to it and treat it with love. Train with fun and reward your doggo with their favorite treats. 

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