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Transform Your Pup into Your Ultimate Sidekick

Transform Your Pup into Your Ultimate Sidekick

Posted by Greg C. on Sep 21, 2024

We know that your doggo is your precious little companion and you want it to be with you at every step in your life. Dogs are smart animals and you can teach them so much and make them your ultimate sidekick.

You just need to train your pet and teach it little tricks. These tricks can be some basic commands like stay and fetch or can also include fun tricks like roll around or high-five. It is your doggo, you can teach it anything.

Here, we will discuss some tips and tricks that can help you make your pet your ultimate sidekick. These tips and training methods are easy to apply. So, you don’t have to worry and don’t have to be too harsh on your little doggo.

How can you Transform your Pup into your Ultimate Sidekick?

If you want to transform your pup into your ultimate sidekick then there is so much you can do to make that happen. You can train your dog to do certain tricks distinct from other dogs. You can also make it a friendly animal that can play with everyone.

For such things to do, you need to train your dog. Now there are so many ways available on the internet that can help you train your dog. However, you need to select only those that fit with your dog.

We have also gone through that research and finalized some top ways with which you can transform your dog into your ultimate sidekick. The following techniques apply to every type of dog and can help in the effective training of your dog.

Train in Stages 

If you are training your cute little puppy, you need to keep in mind that it won’t learn everything in just one go. Things don’t change overnight. You need to prepare the sessions in a way that is easily graspable by your pup.

Try to break the lessons into short sessions and divide them into stages. Start with the easiest thing then move on to the difficult ones. This way you can teach your dog so many things effectively.

Use Positive Reinforcement

There are many popular training methods that you can use to train your dog. One of those methods that always yields the best results is the positive reinforcement method. Under this method, you need to reward your pet anytime it does something that you want it to do.

For example, if you want your dog to sit on your sit command, then whenever your dog does that, give it a treat or praise. This will make it feel happy that it got a reward for doing something.

Tip: Give immediate rewards otherwise your dog won’t be able to associate the reward with the activity it has done to get it.

Keep Things Fun and Interesting

If you want to train your dog effectively and want it to participate in the training willingly and happily, then try to make the sessions fun. Try to keep the training interesting for your pet otherwise, it will eventually lose interest in it and your efforts will be wasted.

To make it fun, you can divide the training into small sessions or include fun games. Not only your dog, but you also will feel enthusiastic during such fun training sessions. It will help your dog retain the training and learn more new things willingly.

Try Different Training Methods

As you know, there are so many training methods that you can use to train your dog. Though we mentioned earlier that positive reinforcement is the best one, try to use other methods as well.

Every dog is different and thus every dog has a different learning capacity. You can try different methods and observe which method your dog learns quickly or which method your dog likes the most. After analyzing this you can choose the most appropriate one for your doggo.

Another thing that you can do after trying multiple training methods on your dog is you can use more than one method to train your dog. Your pet may grasp certain things with one method while other things with another method. So keep trying new techniques.

Tip: Recognise your dog’s behavior and train it accordingly

Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to everything. If you want your dog to be trained effectively so it can become your ultimate sidekick, you need to be consistent with it. Being consistent doesn’t mean that you become strict with your pet and force it to be trained.

Being consistent means that you train your dog regularly even if it is a small session. Try to make the learning sessions as playful as possible. It will keep you and your dog engaged in the training and you can maintain consistency.

Basic Types of Dog Training

If you are a beginner at dog training, then you need to know some basic dog training. This basic training will help you to make your doggo a disciplined one and assist in advanced training.

Following are some of the basic dog training that your dog needs to learn. These basic training skills can make your dog your ultimate sidekick and help you make a great impression on your friends.

Recall Training

This is the training that teaches your dog to come to you whenever you are calling its name. It is one of the basic things that your pup will learn on its own. You just need to start calling its name with a treat in your hands.

As your dog is just a cute little pup, you have to tell it that it needs to come to you whenever its name is called. This will help you to call your doggo to you whenever you want to play with it, take it out for a walk, or feed it.

Leash Training

Leash training is also crucial for your dog. It needs to learn how to walk while leashed. You can not take your dog out for a walk while it is not leashed, otherwise, it will just wander away anywhere and it will be difficult for you to handle it.

When your dog is leashed, you can control it and take it with you wherever you want. Sometimes, dogs don’t like being leashed and may react abnormally. You need to create a safe environment for your pup so it accepts the leash happily.

Potty Training

Another important training for your pup is potty training. It is not good that your pup poops everywhere in your house. You need to train it to poop in a certain area and anywhere it wants.

There should be a dedicated corner in your house where your dog can poop. You need to train it with some effort to let it poop in that area only. It will keep your pup disciplined and your house clean. You can also monitor your dog’s poop and identify any problems.

Crate Training

If you have a small dog that you need to carry often in a crate, then crate training becomes essential for your dog. Your dog must be comfortable in the crate and this can happen when you make it feel happy inside it.

You need to make your dog’s crate friendly and appealing. It can contain its favorite toys and a comfortable blanket. You can also give treats to your pup whenever it enters the crate happily. It will encourage its happy behavior regarding the crate.

Tip: Don’t hesitate to consult a professional trainer

Basic Command Training

The most effective training that can help your dog become your ultimate sidekick is command training. Your dog must obey your commands to be your sidekick. However, you don’t need to be harsh on your cute pet.

Command training is not that hard. You just need to teach your dog to sit, stay, come, run, fetch, and bark at times when you want it to. You can teach this to your dog with the help of some treats and a positive attitude.

Tips for Treating Your Pet with Care while Training it

Even though you are training your dog, you need to treat your dog as your pet and not as a training subject. It is your lovely pet after all. There are certain tips that can help you keep your dog happy during and after the training.

These tips can train your dog effectively while maintaining its happiness. You also can benefit from this as you don’t have to put much effort if you train your dog right. So, let’s move on to the tips that you can follow.

Let your Dog be a Dog

Don’t be too harsh on your pet, after all, your dog is a dog; try to treat it like one. Let it play with its toys, let it ruin some of your stuff by chewing it, let it run in the garden freely, let it play with other dogs, and let it just lay down doing nothing.

Be Patient with your Pet’s Training (things don’t happen overnight)

You need to be patient with your dog while training it. It won’t learn everything in just one day. It will learn things slowly and gradually. You need to be patient and don’t need to rush things otherwise your dog will start avoiding training.

Play with your Sidekick

The first thing that your dog wants from you is to be treated as a friend and not a training subject. It wants you to play with you. This makes it super happy. Beyond your imagination. So, play with your dog whenever you get the chance in between the sessions.

Bottom Line

You have a smart doggo so you don’t have to worry about whether it will be trained properly or not. Dogs in general are smart animals and will grasp everything you teach them quickly. However, you also need to be smart about the training, otherwise your pup will get bored and won’t learn what you want it to learn.

The tips that are mentioned above will help you greatly in training your pup and make it your ultimate sidekick. You can discipline your pet and make a good impression on your knowns. So, go train your pet and make it the best doggo ever. 

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