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The Power of Paws - Unleash the Superhero Within Your Dog

The Power of Paws - Unleash the Superhero Within Your Dog

Posted by Greg C. on Oct 18, 2024

Do you have a dog or are you thinking of having a dog? Do you know that your dog can have so much power that it can help you live a longer life? Yes, it is true. Your dog can increase your lifespan just by existing.

Dogs can make you happy and help you relieve stress, thus leading to a healthy life. There are more such benefits of having a pet that we will discuss here today. Your dog can also help you out in certain situations if trained right.

So, let’s begin and see what power your dog holds over you to make you feel happier and how you can train your pup to be your superhero.

How Powerful is the Paw Power?

There is so much more power in those cute little paws than you realize. Those paws can manipulate you without you knowing it. If you are not an active person, those paws can make you one. If you are not a social person, those paws will force you to be one.

However, they are not only manipulative but also help you lead a healthy life. If you are stressed, those paws will cheer you up and calm you down. If you lack positivity, those paws will make you think positively and that everything is fine.

So, let’s see the power of those paws that can help you live a longer life. Following are some of the benefits you can get from the paw power.

It Reduces Stress

It has been scientifically proven that dogs help in reducing stress and make you feel calm. Dogs are considered cute and their cuteness makes you forget your stress. When you pet a dog, it lowers your blood pressure, calms you and makes you feel relaxed.

If your dog helps you relieve your stress and controls your blood pressure, don’t you think that it is allowing you to stay healthy? By keeping you healthy and stress-free, your dog is acting like a superhero for you.

Relieving stress is crucial for a healthy life and one of the most convenient ways to do that is to get a dog. Once you have a dog, you can’t get over its cuteness. It will keep you mesmerized and focused on itself so that you will not have time to stress.

It Heals your Heart

Do you know that owning a dog can increase your life and you can live longer? This is because having a dog can make you feel happy and stress-free. When you are happy and stress-free you are less likely to have a heart-related disorder. So dogs keep your heart healthy.

Those paws have the power to heal your heart as well. Whenever you feel lonely or sad, you can just come to your pet and pat it or cuddle with it; all your problems will go away. You will instantly feel happy and your heart will be at peace. You will be far away from any stress making you live longer.

It Helps you Stay Active

You might not be an active person, but your dog has the power to keep you active. Even if you want to or not, you have to take your pet out for a walk or to play. When you go out with your dog you need to move and thus you become active.

Staying active is a healthy thing that everyone should adopt. Your doggo needs to play with you and you must play with it. You should also involve your dog in various dog sports to keep it active and healthy. In turn, you also become active and healthy.

Tip: Praise your doggo when it does something good to promote good behavior.

It Increases your Social Activity 

Having a dog and taking it out for walks can also increase your social activity. When you go out, you meet new people and interact with them. You make new friends, your dog makes new friends.

If you are someone who likes to have fresh air but doesn’t want to interact with people, then this is the perfect thing for you. This way you can have your fresh air and you can greet a few people without actually engaging with them in a long conversation, which you want to avoid.

It Brings Pawsitivity

Dogs are considered happy animals who can bring positivity to any environment. If you feel very low in life, then find a dog and pat it; you will instantly feel positive. Imagine that just by patting any dog you feel happy, then how amazing you will feel if you have your own dog?

This is the power of those paws that are filled with pawsitivity. Dogs can act like angels and help you forget all the negativity in your life. You can instantly feel joyous and happy after meeting a dog. If this isn’t the power of those pawsitive paws, then what it is?

It Gives you Unconditional Love and Companionship

Your dog does not judge you and requires only minimal care. Just by fulfilling these small requirements, you get your dog’s unconditional love. Your dog won’t leave you because you have money issues or family issues. It just needs your company.

By doing so, your dog gives you a lifetime of companionship till the day it dies. Haven’t you ever heard “Dogs are man’s best friend”? This is not said without reason. Dogs are very loyal when it comes to companionship so you can rely on them that they won’t leave you.

How can you make your Dog a Superhero?

You don’t have to do anything. Your dog is already a superhero just by its existence. What you can do is make your dog better with some training and lots of love. So, let’s have a look at some basic dog training that you can teach your little pup and how you can be a good dog parent so your dog will always be there for you to help.

Basic Dog Training

There is a lot that you can teach your dog to do. But some of those things are very basic that almost every dog should know. If your dog can do the following then your dog can be a superhero and you can rely on it if you need any help.

  • Stay: Your dog needs to understand your command to stay so you can save it from creating certain messes like fighting with another dog or chasing something you don’t want them to.
  • Sit: You need to teach your dog to sit on your command so you can train it to do certain things like some tricks or give it a treat.
  • Fetch: When you are playing with your dog, you can just command it to fetch something that you throw for it.
  • Drop: Your dog must drop things when you tell it to. This can save them from eating or chewing certain stuff that they should not like your slippers or your clothes.

Tip: Keep changing your dog’s toys to make things exciting.

  • Come: Whenever you need your dog to come to you when you want them for a walk or food, this is the command that you need to teach your pup.
  • Run: Run is the command that you use when you want your dog to chase someone like a thief.
  • Release: You can teach your dog to get released or free from the previous command. For example, you told your dog to stay, but now you don’t need it anymore so you command it to be free so it can do whatever it wants.
  • Greeting: Your dog can be a socialized one if you teach it to greet people without too much excitement so others won’t feel threatened by your cute little doggo.
  • Tricks: You can also teach your dog certain tricks like rolling around or handshaking to stand it apart from other dogs.

Be a Good Dog Parent

It is so important to be a good dog parent. If your dog doesn’t consider you as its friend, it won’t follow your orders and may not protect you when required. So, let’s see how you can be a good dog parent and keep your pup happy.

  • Be patient with your pet. Don’t teach too much too soon; let it grasp the little knowledge.
  • Feed your dog properly while keeping the nutrition in mind. You should also hand-feed your dog sometimes to make it feel cared for.

  • Play with your pet whenever you can. Let it enjoy your company.
  • Keep your dog clean and hygienic. It will keep it healthy and thus it can enjoy its learning.
  • Create a bond with your dog by spending a good time with it.

By following these tips you can make your dog stand out from others. You can make your dog a humble and disciplined one. If you take good care of your pet and treat it like your friend, then he won’t hesitate to help you when needed. Thus, your superhero is ready.

Tip: Keep your doggo happy by giving it different types of treats.

Bottom Line

If you want your doggo to be your superhero, what you need to do is be a good dog parent to it. Take good care of your pup and it will create an unbreakable bond with you. When your dog considers you as its unwavering companion, it won’t hesitate to help you out in times of need.

Your dog is your superhero as he makes you live a healthy life. Having a dog is not only to look attractive, but it also keeps you stress-free leading to a happy life. When your dog is happy with you, you can teach it whatever you want and thus make it your superhero. 

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